On Jan 13, 2008 2:58 PM, Ira Abramov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm helping a client here to start a project from almost scratch. it
> involves java servelets for Tomcat, building with MAVEN, a few external
> GPL tarballs that are downloaded from the web, unzipped and compiled (or
> maybe we'll check them into the CVS) and some glue scripts in bash.
> Make is the standard, I just wodered how many of you tried rake and
> other tools that compete against it, and have an opinion...

If it's C / C++ code that you will be compiling then scons is bullet
proof, you will need to learn how to wear the vest though...

> Thanks,
> Ira.
> --
> The cream in your coffee
> Ira Abramov
> http://ira.abramov.org/email/
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