On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 12:56 AM, sara fink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My ISP is 012. They claim that they don't block ports and they can't
> block ports. "Something is on my computer. Viruses, spyware,
> firewall". My firewall is disabled. And I am connected through the
> modem only.  Yet only 1 port is open.
> What can I do in this case? Proxy client, server on the pc? Use proxy
> from the internet? Port forward? Besides browsing I need the p2p.
> Any ideas how to solve this problem will be appreciated.

There is nothing currently to do about this, the correct technical
term for what 012 are doing is "Deep Packet Inspection". They are
probably using something like [1] to QOS p2p traffic.  They are not
blocking ports, they are reading the content of your traffic and
analyzing it in real time, these packets that are labeled as "low
priority get Throttled.

I'm also connected to 012 using HOT, for the last 3 months I'm
experiencing an ever degrading performance of popular file sharing
protocols such as ed2k and bit torrent. It get's to such ridicules
rates as 3KB/s.

I can verify this is an ISP issue, because :

a. I've made an experiment with my fellow college where we started
downloading the same popular file, each from his own home
simultaneously. He is connected via Bezeq+ADSL and I'm through
012+HOT. My download rate was 6Kb/s (max) while his maintained an
steady rate of 55Kb/s. We're both connected using a Linksys Router,
and made proper checking before started the test: Ports have been
forwarded and verified to be allow connect(), other network devices
have been disconnected. No other downloads / uploads were active.

b. I've talked to 2 other friends at work, who are also connected
using 012 and are reporting to experience the exact same service
disrupts as I am.

c. Please read these forum posts, discussing this issue :
- http://forum.bgu.co.il/index.php?showtopic=165231&pid=1673953

We've spoke to 012 representative, it's always the same "automatic"
answer they have been instructed to provide: "Problem with your
computer, spyware, virus, wrong usage" No point in arguing with the
poor technical support guy because he a. Can't help you. B. Probably
does not have the slightest clue about what you are talking about.

This leads me to the conclusion that nothing can be done besides
leaving the company that insists on hurting it's costumers and join
Bezeq, who may or may not be the best ISP around but at least they
aren't using technology to hide cowardly acts from their users. I for
one have lost my faith in 012 completely, I will not let this slip and
have already started the procedure of disconnecting from 012 ASAP. I
will also make sure all my friends + parents + who ever I can advice
on ISP choosing to reconsider their decision based on the above.


[1] http://www.cyberoam.com/contentfiltering.html


The solution to this "problem" is passing your traffic encrypted, i.e.
SSL. The problem here that all traffic then must be TCP which is
actually bad for the Operator as it increases the bandwidth usage.

Maxim Veksler

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