On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 02:03:42PM +0200, Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:
> I made a mistake using YUM to upgrade a Fedora Core 5 system to
> Fedora 8. Instead of logging on as root from the console, I 
> ssh'ed into it from my user (which mounts its home directory
> via NFS) and did it using sudo.

I do not know much about your actual problem (and hope others will), but
I'd like to share my habbit of doing such things from inside a 'screen'
session ran by root. This way, even if sshd etc. is killed (should not -
recent versions leave their children running on restart) you still have
the session, or there is a network problem and you have to ssh again,
etc., unless 'screen' is killed, but that's rather unlikely,
because it's not a "daemon" in the classical meaning, and upgrade
scripts etc generally do not care about running instances.

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