Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:
On Wed, Aug 06, 2008 at 11:35:04PM +0300, Moish wrote:
If you any old box ( or vmware server ), download and install IPCOP and in 5 minutes you'll have it.

Thanks, but how will that affect my already existing carefully
crafted rules?


If you care to read the forum ( probably not..) one of the common uses
of the system is for ad hoc configuration. It all comes to what is defined as you "external" connection.
I assumed you wanted to create an isolated environment giving WWW access
to it's clients without interfering with your current setup.
For that matter, define an ip on your curent network as the "External"
connection, RED in IPCOP terms, a different set of ip's for the "new"
lan, GREEN in IPCOP terms and last a wireless network, BLUE in IPCOP terms.

Otherwise, iptables-save, iptables -D, iptables-restore.
Am I missing something?

PS  DO read the short documentation in


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