BTW: I just saw this article on SlashDot: "Debian On the Openmoko Neo
FreeRunner Phone"
Direct URL:

On Sun, Aug 17, 2008 at 2:33 PM, doron-iglu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Erez D wrote:
>  hi
>> i have a Nokia N95 8GB. on the paper it is a great phone (if you look at
>> the hardware spec)
>> however the MMI/software sucks bigtime (like most phones on the market).
>> so i was thinking of getting an open phone.
> what is your definition to "open phone", is it just the software or include
> an "open hardware" / open specs ?
>> 1. what kind of open phones are there ? is openmoko the only option ?
>> 2. what kinds of hardwares for an open phone are there ? is freerunner the
>> only option ?
> the FreeRunner is "almost free" , there is an issue of GSM spec that is not
> free - but it's work with a standard protocols (gsm 7.05 and gsm 7.10)
> the Freerunner is my choice - because it's have the maximum freedom ,
> I also check the possibility to import the devices to Israel ( we complete
> all the process - now we have an issue of GCF certification ) .
>> 3. specs, where to buy in israel, how much it costs.
> there is NO commercial import  until we finish the GCF certification issue
> (MOC demand that GSM cellphones will be certified with the GCF certification
> and FCC/EC is not enough)
> BTW , for the Freerunner there is 4-5 linux based OS and oss tools .
> - doron
>> in the past i looked at some motorolla phones running linux. but i saw
>> that getting them to compile on my one was not really viable,
>> so although they are supposed to be open, it is not open in my book.
>> thanks,
>> erez.
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