Maxim -

Following on Moish's first idea you might want to take a look at (script is at for a script that inserts vt100 escape codes based a pattern.


Moish wrote:

Maxim Veksler wrote:

Someone has a good recommendation for a log syntax highlighter ?

I have my application logs where I need to quickly highlight some text, in that case "name=" the output is verbose as I'm running in TRACE.

Could some one please suggest a suitable tool as I've tried some project but the hardly work.

If it's formatted ( or would be since it's your application ):

1. Add relevant syntax for vt100 terminal or the likes and display the
   output on such a terminal ( dah.. )
2. Import into a spreadsheet.
3. For large amounts of data, import into a db, postgres or whatever.


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  • Color ... Maxim Veksler
    • R... Moish
      • ... Maxim Veksler
      • ... Yaacov Fenster - System Engineering Troubleshooting and other stuff
    • R... Amos Shapira
      • ... Maxim Veksler
        • ... Amos Shapira
          • ... Amos Shapira
            • ... Shlomi Fish
              • ... Maxim Veksler
                • ... Shlomi Fish
        • ... Tzafrir Cohen
          • ... Amos Shapira
            • ... Tzafrir Cohen

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