On Sat, 14 Feb 2009 12:17:11 +0200
Dotan Cohen <dotanco...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > If you have the Rotal/Seimens router that Bezeq gives out, there is a
> > firmware upgrade for it.
> >
> Thanks, but the updated firmware did not help.

MY neighbor is having serious disconnect problems with her ADSL, problem is
that she knows very little about computers. They checked the lines, the guy
tried to convince me over the phone that it's because her machine is connected
wirelessly to the router (no idea why the bezeq tech did that). Then they said
that the modem needs to be replaced (the ADSL light kept going out). Don't know
if she did that though. Could be the same problem with you, although in this
case we are talking a disconnect every five minutes or so.

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