> That is not currently possible due to the latex requirement that it know the
> current language of the block of code and not just the current character. If
> you use xetex, still a bit of a pain under lyx though, it will put the text in
> the right order inside words, but the words and alignment are are in the wrong
> direction.

I see, thanks. Makes sense.

> Lyx was moved to work with unicode internally so it may be possible to do it
> implicitly in the future (change paragraph / text segment orientation
> automatically). If I recall correctly though the reason lyx currently has it's
> own keyboard switching short cut is due to two main reasons:
> 1. It is not possible to know on all platform what the current keyboard is,
> just what the character is which made it a bit difficult to choose the 
> language
> 2. latex doesn't work with general hebrew encodings so lyx needs to
> control the input incoding (with widespread unicode support that is probably
> changing though)

Is there movement to improve the situation? Can Lyx be configured to
recognize that all [א-ת] are Hebrew language and all [a-zA-Z] are
English? Soft characters might be a problem, though.

Dotan Cohen



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