Well, if all you want to do is draw some polygons with some text you can
e.g. use Inkscape.

If you feel like scripting your drawing you can easily do it with e.g.
PyCairo (or lots of other scripting language bindings to libcairo). Or use
Asymptote if that suits your application better.

If you want the diagram capabilities of dia you may export dia into one of
several formats that you may read into Inkscape to do the final polishing.




2009/3/24 Dan Shimshoni <danshi...@gmail.com>

> Hello,
>  Please help me to stay with Linux and not
> go back to Windows...
> I had stopped using windows about two years ago;
> though I have a dual boot , I almost did not
> boot into windows in the recent two years.
> I am very satisfied with Linux. Everything
> that I had in Windows I could get in Linux.
> But:
> now, I had to prepare some diagrams. I tried
> with the "dia" tool. I created a diagram and
> converted it to png. The result is reasonable.
> However,...
> I need to draw some arrows in an angle and
> I need to add some text **parallel** to these lines. This means that
> the text should not be
> vertical or horizontal, but in an anlge (30 or 45).
> And it seems that this is **not** possible in dia.
> Does any one know a tool with which it can be done?
> To be more specific, what I need to do as something
> like what is depicted here (and can be done with
> visio):
> http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=1087425&seqNum=21
> please look at figure 3.44
> I really do **not** want to use visio for it; not unbder windows and
> not under some virtual machine
> emulating windows and not under wine.
> Any ideas ? Is there such a tool in Linux.
> I want to stress that the final diagrams shold be
> in *.png.
> Rgs,
> DanS
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