On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 13:09:56 +0300
Dotan Cohen <dotanco...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Very different. Math is a complete no go, hebrew and english is a mess,
> > mixed hebrew/english documents and numbers are rarely imported properly,
> > enumerations are messed up completely and changing the document language to
> > hebrew to match the original permutes tab aligned ellements
> >
> Are you talking about documents created with Word then opened in OOo,
> or documents created in OOo then opened in Word. With the former I
> understand your point, but for the later I have had no problems (I
> have not tried math).

Documents writen in word and opened in OOo are horendous (I can usually read
them but I can't work with them), documents writen in OOo and opened in office
are better (haven't tested math lately) but still require a lot of tweeking.
They can't be transfered as is.

> >> > 2) Convince your collaborators to use Open Office. This is suprisingly
> >> > easy, many people are willing to get rid of MS Office. Although I
> >> > personally prefer MS Office and use OOo out of necessity (Linux user),
> >> > I find that most people prefer OOo for some reason, once they see it.
> >> > Go figure.
> >>
> >
> > Tried using personally but sad to say it's incredibly unstable in terms of
> > styles and I still haven't managed to find out how to change the
> > headers/footers mid way through the document, something that is very easy 
> > with
> > word.
> >
> > On the other hand I'm using lyx almost exclusively so who am I to talk ...
> >
> I tried to get into Lyx but I had a hard time with Hebrew, davka (what
> is "davka" in English).

It works quite well, I work with it all the time in hebrew writing execises.
Gives pretty good instructions. You need to install hebrew for latex and you
can find the culmus package for linux with some google.

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