On Wed, Apr 01, 2009 at 01:10:00PM +0300, Arie Skliarouk wrote:
> Hi,
> An immigrant from Windows asked me about hebrew-english and english-hebrew
> dictionary for Linux. Quick google search haven't produced anything
> meaningful.
> For now they are using http://milon.morfix.co.il/
> but it is relatively slow, requires internet connection, and is not
> integrated into desktop (they want to highligh a word, right-click and get a
> translation).
> What are people using?

Quite many years ago I added support to wordtrans to read Babylon's old
English-Hebrew dictionary. Principally, it should still work. I do not
use it for several years now. You need this old dictionary, which is not
on their website anymore. I might have a copy, if you want to try. It's
called eng-heb.exe, you can search for it.

I usually use google's links to answers.com, for my own needs. Slower
than wordtrans, requires Internet access, but works everywhere.

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