On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 10:20:37PM +0300, Oron Peled wrote:

>    BTW: Since NetworkManager-0.7 (about a year ago), it has distribution
>         specific plugins to prevent it from messing with network interfaces
>         that appear in the distribution legacy config files. I've tested
>         with Fedora and it works. So theoretically, if your Debian/Ubuntu
>         interfaces(5) config file refers to a specific interface, than
>         NM should ignore it and the legacy/command-line methods apply to it.

Fedora has shipped a pre-release of NetworkManager 0.7 for quite some
time. NetworkManager 0.7 has only been released in [hmm... well, not
that long ago. but their homepage is so poor that it does not even
include very basic information. Strike that that: Freshmeat to the
rescue: http://freshmeat.net/projects/networkmanager: 04-Dec-2008 - well
after the freeze of Debian Lenny. And it has been a moving target for
much of the time it was used in Fedora).

Debian users have not had too many complaints about NetworkManager. For
some selected few it Just Worked. For others it got in their way in thus
they removed it in favour of the original infrastructure. Yet others who
actually needed that functionality just installed wicd which actually
works and does not replace half of your system.

Tzafrir Cohen         | tzaf...@jabber.org | VIM is
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