Shachar Shemesh wrote:
Yuval Hager wrote:
if I try to run
$ watch "echo שלום123"
I just get the '123' on the page, Hebrew characters stripped.

man watch says:
      Non-printing characters are stripped from program output.
      Use "cat -v" as part of the  command  pipeline if you want to see

but if I try
$ watch "echo שלום123|cat -v"
I get something like:

Any way to idea Hebrew characters under watch?

This works for iso-8859-8 locale, but not for UTF-8 locale. I think it's a bug in both watch (for treating these characters as unprintables) and in cat (for the same reason).

I do believe they have problems dealing with multi-byte characters. I have nothing to suggest besides sending a bug report.


Narrowed it down some more.

The culprit is the use of "isprint" to figure out whether a character is printable or not. The problem is that the interface for isprint has an interface that makes it impossible for it to know whether the character is printable or not. More details can be seen at


Shachar Shemesh
Lingnu Open Source Consulting Ltd.

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