Steve Litt wrote:
On Wednesday 19 August 2009 09:59:42 David Suna wrote:
My son got an inexpensive digital camera and I am trying to plug it in
to an Ubuntu system to be able to copy off the pictures.  When I plug in
the camera to the USB a light on the camera flashes but the device is
not detected as a storage device.  When I run lsusb it sees the device

I think the first step is to see (from specifications or whatever) whether the storage on this camera is a filesystem. If not then you have a whole different level of trouble.

If it's a filesystem, then keep this in mind -- a lot of cameras require after plugging it into the computer you press some kind of button on the camera or from the camera perform some kind of menu option, and THEN Ubuntu pops up asking whether you want to run a program or just mount it.


Unfortunately I don't have any specs or really know how to read them. From a link someone posted earlier I got the idea to run fdisk -l and find out what the device is but there was no difference in the output whether I had the camera plugged in or not.

David Suna

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