whats wrong with piping text trough fribidi ?
what do you do when you need to edit text? the text cursor gets crazy under 
all those tests.

On Wednesday 04 November 2009 17:51:05 Yuval Hager wrote:
> I've recently switched from Konsole to urxvt. Konsole has great bidi
> support, which allows one to switch from logical to visual text
> representation at the click of a button.
> I was missing bidi support in urxvt (and virtually every other terminal I
> tried. I was told to try mlterm, but I never got to it, as it does not look
> so exciting.
> I just found a way to view Hebrew characters correctly in urxvt, and wanted
> to share.
> urxvt supports perl extensions, so here's what you need to do:
> 0) you do have the culmus fonts installed, don't you?
> 1) install Text::Bidi. run 'cpan' and then 'install Text::Bidi'.
> 2) install the perl bidi extension by Moshe Kamensky from
> http://lists.schmorp.de/pipermail/rxvt-unicode/2006q3/000321.html. It
> appears at the end of his email, copy that to a file and place it
> under '/usr/lib/urxvt/perl'. Name it 'bidi'.
> 3) run urxvt as folllows:
> $ urxvt -fn 'xft:terminus-12,xft:comix no2 clm' -pe bidi
> this works beautifully, without even the need to click needed in Konsole. I
> am not editing files in Hebrew, just need to see an occasional Hebrew file
> name, or Hebrew logs.
> Cheers,
> --yuval

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