Gilboa Davara wrote:
On Wed, 2009-12-09 at 20:04 +0200, Raz wrote:
Do not use inline kernel atomic_t operation, you will violate GPL.
Use gcc builtins. If you want information please refer to:
and download linux-debug.pdf . You will few words on atomicity in user
space in linux.
Please execuse for bad editing, the paper is not complete.


While I was aware of the derived problem - I neglected to point it out.

At least in my case (and partially due to the derived work problem), I
simply wrote my own set of assembly functions that worked the same under
both Linux/BSD and Windows (under both user mode and kernel mode).

- Gilboa
I might be missing something really basic, but may I ask "why"? What would you want to achieve that would require you to use the "get and set" (or "test and set", or whatever) in user space?


Shachar Shemesh
Lingnu Open Source Consulting Ltd.

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