On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 12:19 PM, Shlomi Fish <shlo...@iglu.org.il> wrote:
> On Sunday 20 Dec 2009 02:32:02 Uri Even-Chen wrote:
>> Hi people,
>> I am seriously thinking about switching to Google Chrome or Firefox.
>> I use Internet Explorer 8, and I tested all 3 of them recently.  The
>> fonts look better on good old Internet Explorer, and I'm also used to
>> it, after switching from Netscape about 10 years ago.  But, the
>> problem is I can't see pictures on my newsletters on Gmail.  I checked
>> Google Chrome and Firefox, to my surprise both of them show the
>> pictures without problems, only with Internet Explorer I can't see
>> pictures, which is very frustrating.  I'm thinking maybe this is
>> because I'm using HTTPS and not HTTP.  I don't know why I can't see
>> the pictures on Internet Explorer, but it looks much better with
>> pictures.  The problem is that I prefer the fonts of Internet
>> Explorer, and I also use other websites, such as my bank, and I didn't
>> check them with Google Chrome and Firefox.  It's much easier for me to
>> use Internet Explorer, if I can just solve the pictures issue, or
>> maybe use Google Chrome only to view my newsletters.  I'm in a
>> dilemma.  I hate Microsoft, I like open source, but I don't like to
>> use inferior software.  What do you think?
> I've listed several major reasons to avoid using Internet Explorer and have
> collected many anti-MSIE links here:
> http://www.shlomifish.org/no-ie/
> Namely, Internet Explorer tends to be insecure, non-standards compliant, has
> lesser usability (though that has greatly improved in MSIE 7 and especially
> MSIE 8) and is not open-source or portable.
> If you have problems with the fonts, you can easily change them in Firefox
> using Edit -> Preferences. But please stop using Internet Explorer.
> Internet Explorer may be old but it's certainly not good.

I tested all 3 browsers (Google Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer)
with Gmail, and the fonts look best with Internet Explorer!  The fonts
in Google Chrome and Firefox don't look good, I can't explain it but
the fonts in Internet Explorer look better!  I think they should
improve Google Chrome and Firefox, I have problems with other websites
and not only my bank.  It's bad, websites should work well with all
browsers but the web developers don't bother to test them!  It's much
cheaper to test only with Internet Explorer and ignore the rest.  But
I prefer Internet Explorer, I will not switch to another browser if
the fonts don't look good, I don't hear anything when clicking links
etc.  I'm not the usual end user who doesn't know how to install new
browsers, I tested 3 browsers and chose Internet Explorer!  Maybe in 5
years I will change my mind, maybe not.  Today I think Internet
Explorer is the best browser.  I wouldn't recommend anything else to


>> My operating system is Windows XP.  Sorry - no open source OS for me
>> yet.  I'm waiting for Google OS - maybe I'll switch in a few years.
> Google Chrome OS is a stripped-down version of Linux that only gives you a
> browser. I don't know how any power-user can use it. You should use plain
> Linux instead.
>> I
>> can't use ubuntu etc. - too complicated for me, not compatible with
>> other computers etc.
> Linux is not Ubuntu! There are plenty of distributions besides Ubuntu, and one
> of them may be better for you. I'm personally using Mandriva, and am happy
> with it (though I'm a computer power-user/"guru", so your experience will
> vary). In any case, desktop Linux is not less complicated than Windows XP, and
> WinXP tends to do a lot of stuff you don't want, don't understand, or don't
> know how to fix behind your back.
> Regarding compatibility with other computers, you can always use VirtualBox (
> http://www.virtualbox.org/ ) to run Microsoft Windows in a virtual machine, or
> to use software that can import or export Windows formats such as
> OpenOffice.org, etc.

U3 is another example of companies not bothering to test other
operating systems beside Windows.  It's a good tool which enable you
to protect your files with a password, but it works only on Windows.
If I insert my disk on key on a Linux machine, I will not be able to
access my files (the encrypted files).  Sandisk and M-Systems decided
that supporting Windows is good enough.  By the way, I think they only
support newer versions of Windows, such as Windows XP, and not Windows
98 etc.  Not like regular disk on keys, which support all operating

>> I'm also using MS Word, Excel and Access - I
>> can't stop using them right now.
> Why not?

Sorry, I can't.  I have files in Excel and Word, they never look the
same with Open Office, and I'm using them.  And Access - I don't know
about any alternative to Access.  I'm stuck with Windows.


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