On Wednesday 27 January 2010, Nadav Har'El wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 26, 2010, geoffrey mendelson wrote about "Re: Recommendations 
for Inexpensive PDA":
> > On Jan 26, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Aharon Schkolnik wrote:
> > >So, I am in the market for a replacement. I really want the minimum
> > >possible - calendar, phone book, etc. I need Hebrew support, and I
> > >want to
> > >sync with Kontact's calendar, contacts, etc.
> >
> >...
> >
> > iPhone? If you get an older one that is still locked to AT&T, it
> > should be relatively cheap.
> >
> > Everyone I know who has one loves it as a PDA/media player/pocket PC.
> How will he get Hebrew support for the iPhone? How will he sync it with
> Linux? Also he didn't specifically ask for this, but I know when I had
> a Palm Pilot, one of the things I often did was to transfer *text files*
> from the computer to the Palm Pilot - that's another thing you can't do
> on an iPhone.
> Or, did you mean he is supposed to "jail break" the iPhone to be of any
> use?

So, iPhone doesn't seem like a great solution for me. Any other 
suggestions? What are other people using as a PDA ?

  The day is short, and the work is great,    |  Aharon Schkolnik
  and the laborers are lazy, and the reward   |  
  is great, and the Master of the house is    |  aschkol...@gmail.com
  impatient. - Ethics Of The Fathers Ch. 2    |  054 3344135

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