If you haven't done so, you need also to define a virtual screen size
which is big enough to include both physical displays.
You may want to have a look in man 1 xrandr.

--- Omer

On Fri, 2010-05-21 at 17:55 +0300, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> I have a Dell Inspiron 6400 / 1505E with 1680x1050 built-in LVDS and
> external VGA connected to a 1680x1050 LCD monitor. I can get the
> external monitor to mirror the regular display, but I cannot put them
> side-by-side with the KDE System Settings tool.
> The KDE System Settings tool sees the external VGA monitor as the
> "first" monitor and the built-in LVDS as the "second". When I
> configure the LVDS to the right of the external VGA monitor, the LVDS
> goes blank. When I configure the LVDS to the left of the external VGA
> monitor, the external VGA goes blank.
> What must I do to get these monitors configured?
> I'm using Kubuntu 9.10, KDE 4.2.2. Thanks.

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