2010/10/8 Amichai Rotman <amic...@iglu.org.il>

> Hi,
> Any of you aware of the existence of Linux children's books?
> I mean - those books with simple text and pretty pictures telling the story
> of Linux for 4-5 year old kids.
> I'd like to teach my children the values of the community from an early
> stage.
> I realize this thread will generate a lot of flaming - so I'll say why I am
> asking: I'd like to write such a book but I have no idea where to start, not
> even a story line....
> Any of you want to team up and make it happen?

Great idea, a children book about Linux and free software.
Well, I am writing books, but I have never written a children book.
I hope other people here have more experience then me in children books, I
don't have children myself :-)

> Thanks!
> .:====================================================:.
> Amichai Rotman
Ori Idan
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