On Tue, Nov 02, 2010 at 01:25:18PM +0200, Nadav Har'El wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 02, 2010, Lior Kaplan wrote about "Re: Hebrew spell-checking in 
> OpenOffice":
> > Known issue, and reported at
> > http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=99796
> Thanks for the pointer.
> I'll vote for the issue (if I can be of any other help, please let me know).
> > > The second issue is the correction suggestions for spelling errors. All
> > > the suggestions indeed appear to be valid words, but their order is
> > > terrible - it appears little or no attention was paid to trying to provide
> Dan checked, and it appears that the suboptimal (to be gentle) corrections 
> indeed are not specific to OpenOffice, and happen already in hunspell. e.g.,
> try
>       $ echo עברי | hunspell -d he_IL
> Looking at the hunspell documentation, I see that there are TRY, REP and MAP
> keywords in the dictionary which can be used to specify letters that sound
> the same, and so on. We already used "TRY", but not any of the others - and
> I guess we need to. Does anyone on this list have any experience with those?

It did not get into hspell 1.1, but if you append the following lines to
hunspell's .aff, you get some "soundlikes" (Fedora and RHEL6 have it though)
I did not find a means to convey the lightweight of yod and waw in thunspell(4).
It sounds as a reasonable feature request, though.

MAP 10
MAP ךכח
MAP םמ
MAP ןנ
MAP ףפ
MAP ץצ
MAP כק
MAP אע # for English
MAP גה # for Russian
MAP צס # for Arabic
MAP חכר # for French

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