On Tue, 2011-02-01 at 10:00 +0200, Tom Rosenfeld wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> Is there a tool that will show me the total uptime (availability) of a
> machine between reboots? 
> That is, if the machine was up for 24 hours and then shutdown for an
> hour and then up for 23 hours I want an answer of 47.
> I need this for charge-back of departments using cloud computer which
> they sometimes turn off.

1. Maybe the cloud computers' provider has the appropriate tool?
In this case, if you don't find the tool yourself, you'll have to tell
us which cloud provider are you working with.

2. The 'uptime' command gives the uptime since last reboot.  You may
want to add 'uptime >> /var/log/my_uptimes_log.txt' to the shutdown
script, and rotate & process, using a custom Perl script,
the /var/log/my_uptime_log.txt file each month to total the uptime in
that month.

--- Omer

MCSE - acronym for Minesweeper Consultant & Solitaire Expert. (Unknown)
My own blog is at http://www.zak.co.il/tddpirate/

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