On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 3:23 PM, Micha Feigin <mi...@post.tau.ac.il> wrote:

> I just got a new w520 with two 500GB hard drives configured in raid0 (seems
> to be a bios based software raid0).

I am a bit confused. If the RAID is "BIOS-based" then it sounds to me like
it is HW RAID. In this case it should be transparent to Linux, grub, even
DOS, shouldn't it?

Is it some sort of "fake RAID" that is not a true HW RAID? In that case you
may be out of luck or it may still work after some incantations and

> Windows is already installed and running on it (and I need it to stay there
> unfortunately) and I'm trying to install linux along side it (debian
> unstable).

Are you trying to install Linux on the RAID itself or on another disk and
use the RAID under it? Or on the RAID itself? It sounds like the latter, but
I am not sure. Some details on your partition layout would help.

> I got the installed running and it installed fine

I am not familiar with debian installation, but what did it show as the
partition table during install? Did you modify it in any way?

What does the partition table look like now?

> as it seems (although it looks like it messed up the partition table a bit
> as now I also have sda1 and sda2 that weren't there to begin with I think),
> but I can't get grub to install

What exactly did you do and what didn't work?

> and rescue mode also won't boot into linux no matter what drive I choose as
> root. I did manage to mount the partition from /dev/matter/...05 and
> everything is installed on it, but again, no grub.
> Any ideas on how to get linux up and running (I need to boot into it
> somehow).

 My first guess is that you need to edit grub's device map as appropriate
for your setup.

However, this is a wild guess. It would help if you posted fdisk -l, mount
table, details of your grub configuration, things that you have tried and
the corresponding outputs...

Oleg Goldshmidt | p...@goldshmidt.org <o...@goldshmidt.org>
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