Thanks to all of you for your suggestions.

And shana tova.


>From: Marc Volovic <>
>To: Valery Reznic <>
>Cc: "" <>
>Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2011 5:38 PM
>Subject: Re: HW/SW for license server
>4th is 4gb with iPhone autocorrect. Fuck apple. 
>DL1xx is is HP. Check their site. 
>>1000/sec is special
>Sent from my iPhone
>On Sep 25, 2011, at 12:25, Valery Reznic <> wrote:
>Thank you, Mark.
>>A few more questions:
>> - what is HP DL1xx-class box with 4th ram
>>- 6 request/second is trivial. On each ratio do you think it will need 
>>something special?
>>>From: Marc Volovic <>
>>>To: Valery Reznic <>
>>>Sent: Friday, September 23, 2011 12:03 PM
>>>Subject: Re: HW/SW for license server
>>>Dear valery,
>>>6 requests per second is trivial. Get the cheapest HP DL1xx-class box with 
>>>4th ram and the cheapest CPU you can manage. 
>>>Sent from my iPhone
>>>On Sep 23, 2011, at 11:19, Valery Reznic <> wrote:
>>>Hi, All.
>>>>I need to setup license server and looking for advice what 
>>>>hardware/software to use
>>>>General schema is following:
>>>>There are about 20K clients all of them periodically (let say once a week) 
>>>>query license server for license via https
>>>>I'll try my best to spread all those requests over the week, but in worse 
>>>>case scenario all those 20K request can came during 1hour,
>>>>spread relative evenly i.e about 6 request/sec
>>>>When license server get request it query database ~20K records with 2-3 
>>>>small fields, generate license and return it to client.
>>>>License generation is light - md5sum of the very small input ( few hundreds 
>>>>I think use following software for it
>>>>1. CentOS 6
>>>>2. Apache with mod_python
>>>>3. Mysql
>>>>My questions about software are:
>>>>1. License server software is likely to be written in python, hence 
>>>>  If I'll use python as CGI instead of Apache module, will it result in 
>>>>significant performance drop?
>>>>2. How configure apache - what is reasonable settings for MaxClient 
>>>>   Any other important settings?
>>>>3. Use Mysql or Postgres? Or something else?
>>>>Hardware questions are:
>>>>1. What computer should I use for this task
>>>>    i386 or x86-64?
>>>>   how much memory?
>>>>   disk spaces?
>>>>2. What hosting company to buy this server from?
>>>>Do you have any experience or suggestions to share?
>>>>Thank you,
>>>>Linux-il mailing list
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