On Dec 21, 2011, at 6:03 PM, Michael Vasiliev wrote:
I assume you mean SLIC in the ACPI, so your computer just have a license key embedded in it's writable CMOS memory, so what? How's that changing anything? The data in Windows distribution has always been free, you're paying per license to use, not anything else. In fact, they insist on it being zero cost, when I ordered an upgrade disk last time, they only billed me a ridiculous sum for S&H. The fact that Microsoft and vendors has always being secretive on allowing you to download the distribution CDs is another, unrelated issue.

No, I wasn't. What I was referring to was that Microsoft now has a free (as in beer) operating system option, so a vendor can sell you a computer with a free Windows license. Like beer, it only lasts a short time, but their contract with Microsoft only requires them to sell you the computer with an operating system installed, not a long term license.


Geoffrey S. Mendelson,  N3OWJ/4X1GM
My high blood pressure medicine reduces my midichlorian count. :-(

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