On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 7:34 AM, Shlomi Fish <shlo...@shlomifish.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> in case you missed my post on blogs.perl.org, see:
> *
> http://blogs.perl.org/users/shlomi_fish/2013/03/ann-my-transition-from-software-developer-to-writerentertaineramateur-philosopherinternet-celebrity.html
> (short URL - http://xrl.us/bonezw ).
> Reading from it:
> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> I'd like to make an announcement: after some serious thought, I decided
> that
> from now on, being a software developer (which I am not too bad at) will
> only
> be the means (but the absolutely necessary ones) to me being a writer /
> entertainer / philosopher / Internet celebrity (a little bit of all those
> and
> then some) whose main pride and passion is his personal web site, which is
> full
> of a lot of material, and various pages and material is constantly added
> to it.
Nice move Shlomi, but as a writer (with 2 books published in print and 4 as
EPUBS) I can say that I prefer to keep doing it as a hobby and not as my
day job.
If I had made writing my day job (which is something I wanted few years
ago), I'd be forced to be commercial and write about what people really
want to read or the way people like to read.
These days I started to make my living connected to writing but not
directly from writing. I now make my living from digital books consulting
and services and still work as a software consultant.

Ori Idan
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