I use and recommend Zotero: https://www.zotero.org/ , I think it meets all
of your requirements. It was originally a firefox extension but now runs
standalone and will interface
with most browsers.

It will automatically obtain the bibliographical information and save the
pdf from most journal web sites, and interfaces nicely with word /
openoffice to generate citations / bibliographies
(and will export to bibtex if you prefer)

You can attach notes to your entries (I use this to write my article
You can search your articles (including the full text if you like, it
extracts it using pdftotext)

It is open source and runs on linux, osx and windows. It will also sync
across different computers, and if you like you can share your library (but
not the pdfs) online via the zotero web site.


On Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 8:09 AM, Steve G. <word...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am preparing to do a (scientific) literature review, in which I am going
> to look for articles on a topic, read them, and summarize their important
> content.
> I would like to do it electronically, in an organized fashion, so I can
> also search and retrieve information later on. Right now, I print the
> articles, read and mark important parts, and then write up the content in a
> text document.
> My ideal program would have fields for the article name, source (journal,
> web address, etc.), authors, link to original article (i.e. the pdf file I
> will save or either a link or a copy of the web page in case of an html
> page) and summary/comments which I will enter.
> There should be some searchable record keeping system, where all the
> articles will be listed and be searchable by field (say, all articles from
> Washington Post, or Lancet, etc.).
> If it is online, it would be nice to be able to share access to a document.
> Can you recommend a program that does that, on Linux or online?
> Thanks,
> Z.
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Jason Friedman, PhD
Department of Physical Therapy
Tel Aviv University
email: write.to.ja...@gmail.com
web: http://curiousjason.com
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