On 05/08/2013 10:47 PM, Oleg Goldshmidt wrote:

What is your purpose? Just doing something fancy to impress your boss or
truly save space, e.g., if this stuff - everything that gets built - is
backed up? I'll assume the latter.

[Aside: if it is not backed up, how many versions do you really need to
keep and why is it an issue?]

I obviously can't read his mind. I'm also old fashioned. If I were shipping out a software package to paying customers, I'd be sure to have available the version they were running in order to provide support, even if available meant on DVD in a file cabinet.

It depends upon what you are selling, of course, I expect that "install the latest version" is ok for a $5 Android app. I would not want to say that to a customer who is paying $10k a month for support.

I also would not rely on daily backups unless I had a procedure in place that updates were made only once a day AFTER the backup. Otherwise you end up with a backup that may no match shipped product.

As for Oleg's suggestion of a version control system, I'd do a lot of research to make sure it can hold what you need. Source code diffs are relatively small, object ones get big fast.


Geoffrey S. Mendelson,  N3OWJ/4X1GM/KBUH7245/KBUW5379
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