On 1 Aug 2013 12:48, "Oleg Goldshmidt" <p...@goldshmidt.org> wrote:
> shimi <linux...@shimi.net> writes:
> > If you're looking for an equivalent PSU you must buy the exact same
> > model - not same wattage...
> No, I wanted to plug in another PCIe card and I wanted to estimate
> roughly which models my existing PSU could handle. I just fired up one
> of those "minimal power requirements" calculators on the Web. I am
> guessing that a rough estimate (is it a 400W, 600W, 800W PSU?) should be
> OK for the purpose.

Not really. What you really should be looking at is the maximum amperage on
the specific voltage rails you're going to use... the total maximum of all
rails is meaningless... if you don't have enough amperes on the specific
voltage you actually consume from... and if the PSU doesn't have
protection, you might even fry it...
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