On 12/01/2014 12:59, Amos Shapira wrote:

After moving to a new rented unit I found that it's going to be a bit (or very) tricky to get my aging desktop (which I mainly use for Bittorent and "storage server" these days) connected to the ADSL modem using wired Ethernet.

Instead, I though that I might get myself some media-centre computer - it'll be either so small that I can still keep it close to the modem/router/wifi point or it'll suport wifi so I can put it somewhere else in the unit. It'll also hopefully be power efficient so I could afford to keep it turned on 24x7 (both for economic and environmental concerns).

But I don't feel like running around designing my own hardware, order it then build it myself, so I searched a bit for "linux media center hardware" and the top results all point to http://cubox-i.com/, which after reading a couple of reviews turned out to be based in Israel.

I'm considering getting myself the CuBox-i4Pro, and perhaps do it while I visit Israel next Passovah (not sure yet).

Everything I read about this unit so far is just 100% positive. Does anyone here have experience with it, the service? hardware quality? Cost of shipping in Israel? Is pick-up from their offices an option etc?



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Their product seems solid.
Have you considered Apple TV? It's only  109 AUD down under :)
Currently works for ios 6.1.
I have 2 jb atv almost 2 years now, currently running xbmc v12.3 without a hiccup.
Software selection is a bit scant
I'll use rPI as servers for other apps.


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