Hi Ido,
If the reboot occurs as a result of a hardware fault, you might never see anything in the logs. AFAIK nothing in the Centos 5 configuration does a reboot on its own.

 - yba

On Sun, 8 Jun 2014, ik wrote:

Date: Sun, 8 Jun 2014 12:11:15 +0300
From: ik <ido...@gmail.com>
To: linux-il <linux-il@cs.huji.ac.il>
Subject: detecting what does a reboot


I have a server (old centos 5) that does sometimes few times a reboot, in 
random hours.
I removed non root permissions to execute halt, reboot and shutdown, but I wish 
also to try and track down what causing that reboot.

Is there a way to audit-trail or just log any kind of rebooting request 
(including system calls), and finding out what or whom execute
it ?



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=}-------- Jonathan Ben-Avraham ("yba") ----------ooO--U--Ooo------------{=
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