On Thu, 18 Sep 2014, tzahi ml wrote:

Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 14:15:40 +0300
From: tzahi ml <tzahi...@gmail.com>
To: "linux-il@cs.huji.ac.il" <linux-il@cs.huji.ac.il>
Subject: Question about how to make a living from open source

Hi All,I am in need of assistance.

I am currently working as a freelancer coding stuff in a company.
However, although I am making good living, this does not scale much (and 
promotion is out of the question :) ).

Anyway, I am looking for ways to scale.

Be ready to drink a lot of coffee, and say goodby to your significant others (family).

One of the ideas that were given to me is to compile couchbase or postgres and 
distribute the binaries with a support license. Find 4-5 customers which pay 
big bucks
and make a living. Though, not much scale there either, unless i start taking 

Customers that pay big bucks work with suppliers who have big bucks. That's not you, so forget it. That is, large customers work with large suppliers. For example, you you have a quality solution, but a larger supplier has only a partial, poor quality solution, then the company with big bucks will buy from the larger supplier with the poor quality, partial solution and not you. That's how the business world works. Big business works with big business, small business works with small business. The size equation trumps quality and availability.

Another idea is taking employees but people in the business are telling me i am 
better off staying a freelancer than taking employees. Not sure what is true 

When you take employees you need to have enough money to pay them for at least two-months ahead. You will need to incorporate, and hire an office manager/secretary. Your employees get paid first. If there is any money left afterwards then you might get paid. Is this what you want to do? That's how you want to risk your savings? Having employees is like having children. You have to guide them, instruct them, motivate them and wipe their noses. Are you built for that?

One other idea I had is hosting complex solutions for sites. Like postgresql 
couchbase etc... which is difficult for the average joe and making it scale 
like heroku

Can someone give me a clue?

Yes. Reverse the process. Instead of wanting to "scale" and then looking for an idea, work on the idea first. If you have a great idea for a new technology or service then look for partners. And if you don't have a really great idea, forget about trying to scale.

That's not my 2 cents speaking. That's my NIS 600K debt speaking.

 - yba


Tzahi Fadida.

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