I wonder - do you have to get the modem from Bezeq? Can't you buy anything
compatible on the free market?

On 13 April 2015 at 16:18, E.S. Rosenberg <esr+linux...@g.jct.ac.il> wrote:

> In addition to the "fancy" (read crappy) wireless routers that Bezeq
> will always try to offer you to lease/buy/get/whatever the latest fad
> is, they also have simple modems.
> Really these are bridge routers with one ethernet port and one DSL
> port, also running Linux, you can use them as router and create a DMZ
> between your wireless router and the bridge, though I don't recommend
> that because then you:
> - can't just drop in a replacement when they break down
> - are relying on the bridges' firmware for security on your DMZ
> They have currently 2 models as far as I can tell:
> - (Rotal) RTA 1320+
> - D-Link DSL-25xx (newer, haven't seen very often)
> Bezeq does not like giving these devices out most likely because it
> prevents them from having a Bezeq_free network at your address, the
> last time I had to replace my modem they told me that they actually
> repair them and aren't making/buying new ones (which makes sense for
> the rta1320 which is old but supports up to 24M).
> The fact that they are repairing does seem to be starting to lead to
> failures happing more often recently...
> It also prevents them from trouble shooting your network since the
> most they will have access to is the bridge whereas they generally
> have remote access to the wireless-routers (you often don't even get
> full root/admin on the router).
> To me using these devices only has advantages:
> - cost less then the "fancy" modem/routers.
> - allows me full control over my network infrastructure.
> - no Bezeq network freeloading on my DSL connection
> - no Bezeq access to my home network
> - allows me to easily upgrade my wireless router if/when I want some
> newer technology/toy.
> BTW: It is of course also possible to use a Bezeq wireless router
> together with your own wireless router either in a DMZ like setup or
> even as a bridge (though that takes some real effort), but that seems
> like a major overkill and a waste of money.....
> HTH,
> Eliyahu - אליהו
> 2015-04-12 23:15 GMT+03:00 Geoff Shang <ge...@quitelikely.com>:
> > On Sun, 12 Apr 2015, E.S. Rosenberg wrote:
> >
> >> Personally I always insist on Bezeq giving me their simple modem and
> >> use a decent router of my choosing (obviously vetted for OpenWRT
> >> support and specs) for WiFi etc (the modem ends up being a bridge
> >> device about whose fw etc I don't care as much).
> >
> >
> > Ha!  I didn't know you could do this.  Typical that I find out 6 weeks
> > before I leave the country. :)
> >
> > for the benefit of anyone else who didn't know, please tel more.
> >
> > Geoff.
> >
> >
> >
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