I've got here a desktop app that quizzes the user with questions from
מבחן התיאוריה (the one people take when they learn driving).  It's
basically a self-test/study app, using the questionset from the
Ministry's web site.  (They publish questionsets in six languages,
I only tried the Hebrew set.)

By "app" I mean a python script that prints questions to stdout, reads
answers from stdin, and displays images by invoking display(1) [a
minimal image viewer from imagemagick].  It doesn't have a GUI (beyond
the image displayer) since my target audience didn't need one.

I can't release it as-is because $LEGAL_REASONS, but I could clean it up
to make it releaseable.  Before I spend too much time on that, is that
something anybody would be interested in?

[feel free to reply offlist]



P.S. It wasn't fun to get Hebrew to print correctly on all terminals:
there are differently-behaving terminals that use the same value of
$TERM (undermining terminfo-based solutions).  I ended up using
$WINDOWID to get the terminal emulator's argv[0], and hardcoding
exceptions based on that.  That's so 1990...

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