I'm more of a Gnome user and haven't really played with KDE since the
days of KDE4 (I always felt it was very 'crowded'/'not calm' as
opposed to gnome 2 back then, though when I just started Linux that
was what I liked about KDE3 all the distractions) but:

- Are you sure what you heard about the newer versions of Mageia is
not due to the Plasma project (KDE)? In which case you may have the
same issues no matter where you run.

- There probably is no distro out there that can't run KDE, when
people above write it was 'dropped' that just means that it's no
longer supported/tested/customized by the distro but unless they are
also completely autonomous in packaging/FS layout etc it will still be
installable and probably even available through normal channels.

- if you're open to Debian/Debian based you should check out Kubuntu
or Debian itself (for desktop I always felt *buntu 'feels' more
 + *buntu has the LTS long-release cycles and the standard 6 month
cycle, updating from version to version tends to be painless
 + Debian due to it's long release cycle can be pretty outdated unless
you go into the rolling release versions
(testing/unstable/experimental) which sometimes break.

- if you want to stick with RPM based Fedora or SUSe should be nice
(Fedora tends to be pretty bleeding edge)

- If you are open to a more or less rolling release Arch or gentoo may
be interesting to you.

- Your hardware should be perfectly capable of handling any modern DE
but if you do want lighter stuff you have XFCE4, MATE (gnome2) and
LXDE are nice options.

Eliyahu - אליהו

2017-11-19 10:43 GMT+02:00 Shlomo Solomon <shlomo.solo...@gmail.com>:
> Interesting info about Mint (and yes I checked - what you wrote is
> accurate). I don't think politics and software should mix, but NO WAY
> I'll even consider Mint now. :-)
> On Sun, 19 Nov 2017 10:18:47 +0200
> Geoffrey Mendelson <geoffreymendel...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Linux Mint was developed and maintained by a raving lunatic
>> anti-semite. He demanded that his work had nothing to do with the IDF
>> because it violently oppresses the Palestinian people. That is
>> impossible, because many of the maintainers of all distros use code
>> from Israel, and most of the people here serve milluim.
>> He was eventually chastised to the point he claims he apologized, but
>> if you can find his apologies, it was for setting off the Jews who
>> control the world.  You probably can't find them, as when he was
>> called out on his slap in the face apologies,  he deleted all the
>> relevant blog postings.
>> Geoff.
> --
> Shlomo Solomon
> http://the-solomons.net
> Claws Mail 3.11.1 - KDE 4.14.30 - Dolphin 4.14.3 - LINUX Mageia 5
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