On Sun, Nov 11, 2018 at 2:19 PM Boruch Baum <boruch_b...@gmx.com> wrote:

> On 2018-11-11 13:25, vordoo wrote:
> >    Hi,
> >    Looking for an English Hebrew technical-computer dictionary. Best if
> it
> >    is a web site or file, with words like: mount, volume, partition,
> >    sector, block, etc...
> >    Any pointers appreciated,
> >    Thanks!
> Hmm, can't find my favorite word-list site among my zillion bookmarks,
> but...
> 1) For individual word, I just now found: http://tlterm.com/hebrew/
> which seems reasonable.
> 2) The Hebrew Academy of language is the Israeli official organization
> for standardizing modern Hebrew:
> http://hanut.hebrew-academy.org.il/en/product-category/dictionaries/
> They have mailing list on which you could pose your question. If you do,
> please let me know what happened!
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