
"A very serious PGP vulnerability was just discovered. Using this
vulnerability, an attacker can create a modified version of someone's
public key that will force a sender to encrypt messages to that person AND
to the attacker. 
Let me explain. When Network Associates joined the Key Recovery Alliance,
they modified PGP to allow for third-party key recovery. They did this by
supporting something called an Additional Decryption Key (ADK). Normally,
when a PGP user creates a PGP certificate, it contains a single public key
(as well as identifying information as to who the key belongs to). PGP
version 5 and 6 allow the user to add additional ADKs to the
certificate. When a sender encrypts a message to that user, PGP will
automatically encrypt the message in both the user's public key and the
ADK. The idea is that the ADK belongs to the secret police, or the user's
employer, or some organization, and that organization can intercept the
encrypted message and read it. 
A stupid idea, but that's the sort of thing that Key Escrow demands." 

"The flaw is that some version of PGP don't require the ADKs to be in the
signed portion of the PGP certificate. What this means is that an
organization can take a PGP certificate, append his ADK, and spread it out
to the world. This tampered version of the certificate will remain
unnoticed by anyone who doesn't manually examine the bytes, and anyone
using that tampered version will automatically and invisibly encrypt all
messages to the organization as well as the certificate owner. 
Unfortunately, the problem won't go away until all vulnerable versions of
PGP are eradicated: the sender who is responsible for encrypting to the
ADKs, not the recipient." 

"Way back in 1998 a bunch of us cryptographers predicted that adding Key
Escrow would make system design harder, and would result in even more
security problems. This is an example of that prediction coming true."  
# 73495162
"Man has his will, - but woman has her way."
 - Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809 - 1894)

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