On Sun, 3 Sep 2000, Horst von Brand wrote:
>"Albert D. Cahalan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>> The rr.com service is expanding across the US. It is a cable
>> service recently bought by AT&T. It serves areas without ISDN
>> or DSL, so the only alternative is a POTS modem. The rr.com
>> service is much cheaper and usually faster than ISDN and DSL.
>Much more of a reason to get them to clean up their act!

Excuse me?  How the hell do you expect them to "clean up their act" when
their "dialup" users are the problem?  Are you gonna scan 250,000 machines
to make sure they aren't running SMTP servers?  Trap all port 25 traffic?

It's the same problem EVERY ISP has.  RR is just higher profile because
of the number of users.  Cable/DSL are unlike traditional dialup in that
you are always connected as long as the machine is on.

Nobody at rr.com can send Alan email, so be it.  If Alan want's to be an
ass, he's entitled to -- he is British after all *grin*


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