
> > Is anyone using cramfs?
> We use cramfs everyday at http://handhelds.org with Linux
> 2.4.0-test6-rmk1-np2-hh1. We have no problems.

I use test4-pre3 from linux-vr tree.

> > I copy cramfs image from nfs onto /dev/ram0, then mount it. It mounts,
> > and first few accesses are okay, but then it breaks. ls shows garbage
> > etc.
> We run the cramfs image out of flash instead of ram. Are you mounting the
> cramfs image as 'ro'??

I used not to. Now I mounted it ro, and, well, it did not help. ls -al
/mnt/bin followed by ls -al /mnt/etc; and I end up with garbage.

I mount cramfs by

mount -tcramfs -n -o ro /dev/ram0 /mnt

after listing of /mnt/bin, md5sum of [relevant part of] /dev/ram0
changes. What is also strange is that ls -al reports error 'file not
found' on on dangling symlinks. (But this is ls from busybox, so it
maybe well its fault.)
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