On Thu, 7 Sep 2000 18:58:01 -0400 (EDT), 
Ricky Beam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>What you point at and what's in the kernel tree still isn't complete.  And
>it's still a load of hackish crap.  Rules.make is still an enormous pile
>of goo -- highly condition and hard to follow. (Not that it's ever been
>anything else.)  Some of the hackishness is inescapable -- flag tracking
>for one.

Agreed, and the kbuild team is already looking at a complete Makefile
redesign for kernel 2.5.  The latest makefile wishlist is in
ftp://ftp.ocs.com.au/pub/makefile-wishlist-2.5-3.gz, all sensible
comments appreciated.

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