"Albert D. Cahalan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You don't need to make this code a module. If somebody else
> really wants a module, let them give you a patch.

I really want a module... At least while I'm writing the code. I don't want to
have to reboot every time I make a change.

> The actual Win32/NT code is more important than minor details
> about how it is loaded. Being totally in-kernel is easy to do,
> easy to use, and better for performance anyway. Some of the code
> might even be really useful for non-Win32 software, so it would
> be nice to let Linux apps rely on the calls being available.

It doesn't make all that much difference in call latency to be in a module
rather than in the kernel. Plus you can load it when you need it, and so it's
not permanently eating a chunk of non-swappable memory.

Additionally, I'm not sure that Linus would put it in the kernel.

David Howells
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