Theodore Y. Ts'o wrote:
>    Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 17:12:35 +0200 (MEST)
>    From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rogier Wolff)
>    The "right" way to do this is to have a "this spot is in use, but you
>    don't understand it" indication for an inode (*). The "expansion ptr"
>    can then normally point to the directly following inode, but also
>    somewhere completely different.
>    So a "new" system would allocate a new inode in the directly following
>    spot. But when a "new" system would need the extension part on an old
>    filesystem, it would allocate the nearest inode and point the
>    extension ptr there.
> Storing the excess data in the inode table is one way to do it.  But if
> every single inode is going to need the extra data, you've effectively
> halved the size of the inode table, and running out of inodes becomes a
> serious concern.  
> If we really want to store more data, in the long run it'll probably be
> a lot faster to simply double the inode size, and write an off-line
> program which can move datablocks out of the way and then double the
> size of the inode table.

My suggestion is indeed effectivly (almost) doubling the inode size.

However, it provides an upgrade path, where you can double-boot with a
kernel that DOESN"T know about the inodes.


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