Alan Cox wrote:
> > I've looked Singe UNIX Specification, Version 2 and there this seems
> > perfectly acceptable.
> >
> > I'd like very much to have some feedback to do the RightThing (tm).
> >
> > The alternative of course would be to add a result field inside struct
> > passed by pointer to ioctl call.
> Linux doesnt care. If you want ALSA to run on SYS5 or BSD derived kernels you
> should avoid returning anything but 0/error-code from ioctls.

I'd like you clarify the reasons for this choice in these OS families.

Probably one of your gnomes knows it (I hope that this specific gnome is
not in hibernation in this season :-)

Abramo Bagnara                       mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Opera Unica
Via Emilia Interna, 140              Phone: +39.0546.656023
48014 Castel Bolognese (RA) - Italy  Fax:   +39.0546.656023

ALSA project is  
sponsored by SuSE Linux

It sounds good!
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