
I ran RedHat 6.2 and tried all sorts of kernels.. no problem at all.
I ran kernel 2.2.17 and everytime MS-Windows has booted(I run a dual-boot
sys) my networkcard (eth0=dhcp=3c59x.o) doesn't want to connect to the
internet. First I thought this was my isp his fault or my redhat was
broken. But this problem stayed.

Now, I run Debian 2.2 kernel 2.2.17 and I have the same problem. When
Windows has booted and I want to get back into linux, I have to wait half
an hour until my networkcard works again.

Now, I haven't had this problem before with older kernels, not even with

I don't know what to about this, maybe it's not a bug at all but I don't 
trust it.

problem: no dhcp-lease at boot(have to wait almos half an hour)
module:  3c59x

Thanks for reading my mail

Yours sincerely 


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