
The window scale option doesn't appear to work in 2.2.16, 2.2.17, and
2.2.18.  I've got an old 2.2.5 machine and it doesn't work either.  Is
this supposed to work?  There is code in the kernel to do the window
scale option, but it always sends a 0 value.  It does, however, work
correctly in 2.4.0-test9-pre9.  I have tested it using ttcp -r -s
-b131072 (the -b flag does a setsockopt to increase the receive buffer,
and therefore the window size).

p.s.  Yes, /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_window_scaling is 1
Lawrence MacIntyre      Center for Information Infrastructure Technology
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.ciit.y12.doe.gov/~lpz     865.574.8696
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