On Wed, Oct 11, 2000 at 10:52:08AM -0700, Emmanuel STAPF wrote:
> Hi,
> I find out that doing the following command:
>    cp toto titi/toto
> where toto is a file and titi is a directory do not change the date stamp of
> `titi'.
> Doing the same on Solaris 2.4 or 2.5 does it?
> Could someone point me on the reason for this behavior?

        Assuming that you have EXT2 filesystem in the first place...
        (You don't mention what kernel version you have (uname -a),
         nor what type of filesystem is it where you did the test.)

        If the 'titi/toto' file does not exist, and thus the directory
        modification does happen, then the timestamp will change.
        (If 'titi/toto' file exists, then an overwrite on it is done,

        One "problem" is that "ls -ld titi" will show only MINUTES,
        which means you HAVE TO wait for the "date" command to show
        different minute before proceeding with file creation after
        you created the directory.

        There definitely will be difference, but you won't see it.

                rm -rf titi
                mkdir titi
                sleep 90
                ls -ld titi
                cp toto titi/toto
                ls -lf titi

        Are you still not seeing date change ?

> Thanks in advance,
> Regards,
> Manu
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/Matti Aarnio
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