On Mon, 16 Oct 2000, Michael Peddemors wrote:

> Hmmm.. Wonder if this might be affecting my problem 
> I compile on a Pentium for a 486.  Worked but after I applied the FreeS/WAN 
> pathes, now it won't boot on the 486's (immediate reboot, on 'now booting the 
> kern..' message)  Doubled checked the make outputs, and config's and it says 
> it is 486 but will only run on the Pentiums...
> Still reasearching..

Probably completely unrelated, as the code in question shouldn't even
be getting executed on most 486's (due to lack of cpuid instruction)
And those that do have the instruction will return a value too low
to meet the condition.
People mentioned that various laptops don't work since test9.
I wouldn't be surprised if this was the same thing you're experiencing.

Feel free to prove me wrong by reversing the changes to setup.c in
test10pre though.



| Dave Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  http://www.suse.de/~davej
| SuSE Labs

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