It is not only the "almost standard" tulip clones that have problems in
2.2.1x. Stock Debian potato (2.2.17-pre6, IIRC) i386 kernel, Kingston
KNE100TX w/i21143: works fine in 2.0.38 (.90 driver), hung the kernel
solid during an ftp running the potato kernel (100/half-duplex).

It was not quite a standard ftp exchange (win98 client sending a
typo, i.e. invalid ftp command, rather than a file transfer, when it
hung), but regardless, deadlocking the kernel without so much as a squeak
of an error message probably is not the intended result even in the
presence of invalid input to a userspace server.

(Assuming that the deadlock was not the product of some untirely unrelated
problem that happened just at that moment. ext2fs is a little squirrelly
with that 2.2.16+ kernel, too, fixable reference count anomalies turning
up more-or-less randomly about every 10th e2fsck, different partitions and
drives that never show such symptoms running 2.0.38. It's not as if the
ext2fs metadata write code in 2.2.17 has big revisions from 2.0.38. pci
bus in question is 2.0, no apic.)


Clayton Weaver

"Everybody's ignorant, just in different subjects."  Will Rogers

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