Hi Heinz,

it looks like the LVM snapshotting in 2.4 doesn't allow you
to create snapshots from anything else than the _first_ LV
in the VG...

I have run both the following command lines (after lvremoving
snap1, of course) and both of them give as a result that the
LV /dev/test_vg/swap ends up being the snapshotted filesystem ;(

# lvcreate -s -L100 -nsnap1 /dev/test_vg/test
# lvcreate -s -L100 -nsnap1 /dev/test_vg/swap

# cat /proc/lvm
LVM driver version 0.8final  (15/02/2000)

        <snip VG/PV info>

    LVs: [AWDL  ] swap            122880 /30       1x open
         [AWDL  ] test            204800 /50       1x open
         [ARDL  ] snap1           122880 /30       close

It looks like somewhere in either the utilities or the
kernel, the argument of which LV to snapshot gets mangled...
Oh, I'm using version 0.8final of the LVM utities.


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