On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 07:49:34PM +0800, Wangnan (F) wrote:
> If our task is sampling cycle events during a function is running,
> and if two cores start that function overlap:
> Time:   ...................A
> Core 0: sys_write----\
>                       \
>                        \
> Core 1:             sys_write%return
> Core 2: ................sys_write
> Then without counter at time A it is highly possible that
> BPF program on core 1 and core 2 get conflict with each other.
> The final result is we make some of those events be turned on
> and others turned off. Using atomic counter can avoid this
> problem.

But but, how and why can an eBPF program access a !local event? I
thought we had hard restrictions on that.

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